Immunisation tracking made painless

Carelever Comply helps organisations to capture, verify and track their employee’s immunisation status and much more.

Carelever Comply enables you to capture your employee’s immunity status, verify and track it throughout their employment.

Carelever Comply & COVID-19 Vaccinations

The COVID-19 pandemic has placed a spotlight on the need to not only verify a persons COVID-19 immunity status, but their vaccination status with respect to other diseases.

Proof of vaccination is quickly becoming a mandatory requirement for continued employment by many organisations, such as Heath Care, Aged Care and Transport.

Many organisations are finding it difficult to understand who is and isn’t vaccinated and whether they hold an appropriate level of evidence to demonstrate immunity.

Carelever Comply has been developed with our healthcare clients including Icon Care to help them monitor their employee’s vaccination history. It has already been adapted for the university sector to help Queensland Ambulance Service to monitor vaccination history for student healthcare placements. Furthermore, Carelever Comply can help you to capture, verify and track any organisational or legislative requirements like First Aid Certificates or Blue Card Status.

If your organisation plans to or already does track your employee’s vaccination history or other legislative requirements, then Carelever Comply is about to make this job far simpler. It has been designed specifically for capturing, evaluating and tracking immunisation history at an organisational level, making it far easier for your to check compliance and identify any gaps.

The Problem

  • Risk of exposure to bio-hazards in the workplace which has been heightened during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • HR / LMS Platforms are not designed to manage immunisation verification and monitoring.
  • Organisations do not always have the health expertise and experience to easily tell whether a person meets organisational or health requirements.
  • The sheer volume of immunisation data is difficult to manage.

The Solution

  • Carelever Comply offers an effective way to capture the data that your organisation requires.
  • It enables you to verify that it meets your requirements (organisation and/or legislative), which minimises health and other risks to your people and your organisation.
  • Carelever Comply is specifically designed for health data like vaccinations and is a user-friendly system that enables ongoing tracking to minimise future risks.

Work smarter & faster

  • Check status of employees at the click of a button
  • Flexible options for verification
  • Fully customisable for your job roles, sites and requirements

Never miss a beat

  • Ensure compliance – see who is due and overdue for vaccination from your dashboard
  • Manage exemptions easily and efficiently
  • Mange other compliance including Blue Card, First Aid and relevant
  • Tertiary Qualifications
  • Keeps your business health data safe and secure

Carelever Comply Benefits

Protect Employees

Protect employee’s health by ensuring they are compliant with your immunisation requirements.

Protect Customers

Protect the health of clients and customers by ensuring your front-line staff meet requirements.

Manage Risk

Appropriately manage the risk around vaccination requirements.

How it Works

Step #1: Capture

KINNECT will work with your organisation to create an electronic form specifically tailored for your organisation. This will be emailed or SMS’d to your employees (or student cohort in the case of universities), inviting them to upload their immunisation history and any evidence you require.
KINNECT will support your organisation to maximise participation and provide email templates and promotional materials to help raise awareness.


Step #2: Verify

The information uploaded will be stored in Carelever Comply and marked ‘Compliant – Verification Pending’.

To be verified, the information submitted will need to be reviewed to determine whether or not the employee complies with the requirements for your organisation and/or your industry.

Verification involves a physical check of the information that has been uploaded. For example, the review of serology reports to confirm an appropriate level of immunity or confirmation of vaccination certificates.

Should requirements not be met, the reviewer can indicate that the worker is non-compliant, citing the reasons why and next required actions.The worker is automatically informed of this non-compliance and actions to be taken so that compliance can be achieved.

KINNECT provides two options for the Verification Process:

Option 1: In-house Review of Compliance

You can choose for an in-house resource to view and check the compliance status of your workers. This option works well if your organisation has employees with the knowledge and experience to perform the verification of information submitted.

Example – a Registered Nurse to review and confirm workers immunity in line with compliance requirements.

Option 2: KINNECT Review of Compliance

Alternatively, for a small fee KINNECT can provide the verification service on behalf of your organisation. This option works well for organisations that either don’t have a suitably qualified or knowledgeable representative to perform the verification function, or are unable to commit such a resource to perform these reviews


Step #3: Tracking

Carelever Comply can monitor a workers compliancy and provide notifications as to when it will expire.
It records the next ‘due date’ for any vaccinations according to your organisational or legislative requirements and the expiry date of any certifications or checks or training.
You’ll be able to see at the click of a button who up to date and who is due for vaccination at an individual level, department or organisational level.
This will help you to stay on top of requirements, plan future worksite vaccination appointments or testing that may be needed.

Set Alerts for your future requirements

Carelever Comply features customisable notifications and reminder schedules that will alert you before a worker’s immunisation status expires. Get reminder notifications in advance and then follow up notifications on a schedule that works for your organisation. When required the Carelever Comply form can once again be used to collect new information or evidence, allowing for ongoing compliance to be maintained.

Make vaccination tracking painless with Carelever Comply

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