Technology created by real health experts

Carelever is a software solution, but we are not just a software company. Our health expertise sets us well and truly apart from the rest.

Carelever - Our Story

Our Journey

The journey to create Carelever began back in 2012 with a unique collaboration between a team of Occupational Health Experts from KINNECT and our team of in-house Software Developers.

At the time, nothing like Carelever existed and most companies managed their occupational health programs with a series of spreadsheets, endless file folders, vast amounts of paperwork, calls and emails. In fact, some still do.

The idea that using technology could make all this easier, more transparent and more efficient spurred our team on to develop an elegant solution.

Our story - Carlever team experience

Our team’s deep experience in occupational health meant that we really understood the complex processes that go into managing these programs and how our clients, like you, need to use this information. This very real understanding of health and health data is core to the way we developed the platform, and how we continue to operate.

Fast forward to today, Carelever has completely transformed the administration of occupational health. We now help over 500 companies each week to save time on a single platform. Our team of health experts that started Carelever continue to guide and input too to ensure we’re fit for the ever-changing future.

Our vision for technology-enabled healthcare

Although our journey to date has been pretty amazing, our vision for ‘technology-enabled occupational health’ isn’t quite finished yet.

We continue to collaborate closely with our clients daily, ensuring the platform meets their unique requirements and offers the high degree of customisation they need. A prime example is our latest innovation, PredictFit, which leverages advanced Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics to revolutionise pre-employment health screening.

We’re putting the vast amount of health data captured in Carelever over the years to work in new ways, shaping a future where ‘technology-enabled occupational health’ drives efficiency and effectiveness. These world-first innovations empower businesses like yours to save time and money while keeping your people healthy, compliant, and productive at work.

Start Saving Time with Carelever.