Return to Work Made Simple

Carelever Manage is a more convenient and intelligent way to administer files for your Injured Employees.

Carelever Manage looks after the administration of case files to ensure your injured employees have the best opportunity to return to work safely.

How can Carelever Manage help your business?

Carelever Manage gives you real time data, with 100% transparency, helping you to manage the return to work journey of an injured worker more effectively and ensure things are progressing in the right direction.

Work smarter & faster

  • Check status of employees at the click of a button
  • Benefit from our machine learning technology to accurately predict fitness injury recovery timelines
  • Create your own management reports

Never miss a beat

  • Store all your case files, certification and correspondence in one place
  • Ensure the right people get the right updates
  • Collaborate with all the stakeholders on a file
  • Use the platform for work and non-work-related injuries

Real time data without the wait

Knowing the exact status of an injured worker, let alone several at one time, can be challenging. Carelever Manage gives you full oversight of the data relating to your injured workers and allows you to view information in real time. Full transparency means that you see what we see, allowing you to keep your finger on the pulse.

Want to know the status of a worker? Don’t call or wait for an email or phone update. Simply log-on to Carelever Manage wherever you are with our mobile-friendly platform to check on the status of the file when it is convenient for you and get on with your day.

Information at your fingertips

Carelever Manage gives you all the information you need to manage the return to work process. It enables you to see the status of individual files, including all the activities and actions that are being undertaken by external providers in one place.

Carelever Manage is a central portal for everything that is important. From the current return to work or suitable duties plan, to case notes, certificates, and medical reports. Never lose track of important documents again with Carelever Manage.

Track the journey and next steps

Carelever Manage enables you to see the strategy of the file at the click of a button. You can see the file, notes, reports, and plans to help you understand how the rehabilitation journey is progressing. You can view the worker’s current capacity, see the planned next steps, meaning you can stay on top of their return to work.

Not only this, you can view feedback (Net Promoter Score) data in real time from the worker, the insurer and you the employer, giving you the reassurance things are going to plan.

User Friendly Features

Carelever Manage is packed with great features to ensure you are always on top of the return to work journey.
Flexible use

Carelever Manage can be flexibly deployed enabling you to manage both work and non-work related injuries.


Carelever Manage streamlines your working partnership with KINNECT. Contribute your own notes and reports to the file as required, providing visbility to our consultants and vice versa.


At the click of a button you can select who gets communication updates. These contacts can be edited at any stage, ensuring the right people always receive the right communication.

Mobile friendly

Carelever Manage is mobile-friendly platform which means you can get the updates you need wherever you are, whenever you need them.

Regain control over your workplace injury and health management files.

Book a demo and learn how Carelever can help your business.

Our focus has been on making Carelever as user-friendly and easy-to use as possible. But don’t just take our word for it. Read what our customers think.

Start Saving Time with Carelever.