Using technology to help your company safely return to work during COVID-19

Dec 9, 2021 | Uncategorized

In the current and post-COVID-19 climate, technology and data is your company’s greatest tool for achieving a successful return to the workplace while also ensuring the safe operation of ongoing activities.

Data collection and technology is efficient, effective and widespread to assist organisations in implementing return to work plans across organisational levels while protecting information and privacy.

As Australian businesses and workers return to work and resume operations in the wake of coronavirus (COVID-19), workplaces require platforms that capture and aggregate individual worker’s data for the overall health of the organisation. For the purpose of reducing risk exposure to COVID-19, companies need to evaluate each and every worker’s levels of engagement, communication and risk awareness and education. Risk awareness and education will be the primary determinant for returning to work and continuing to operate under specific standards and guidelines.

Carelever, which was built for the purpose of screening, monitoring and managing our clients’ workforce’s health and associated data sources, can help businesses to safely navigate the COVID-19 pandemic.

Employers need to effectively monitor the health of their workforce to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Businesses must have established procedures to ensure that workers displaying symptoms are appropriately managed and that those returning to work, following recovery from COVID-19, are safe to do so without risking exposure to others.

To ensure a successful return to work, COVID-19 workplace practices and procedures must comprise of:

  • Assessment of workers’ present physical state;
      • Evaluating the physical state of your workers allows organisations to assess the individual and group risk presented. Capturing biometric data is an applicable tool to ensure no undue risks are being created and, when paired with demographic data, symptoms and exposure, employers can perform their duty of care principles while safeguarding organisational operations.
  • Assessment of customers’ and guests’ present state;
      • Geographically, individual workers may stay in the same work location, but business clients and guests are likely moving from different locations. As a result, the capability to assess guests’ physical state/symptoms and track their potential exposures is needed for future collaboration and access to site.
  • New standards and guidelines;
      • Companies must instigate guidelines for social/physical distancing, personal protective equipment (PPE), sanitisation and other hygiene and disinfectant processes to ensure safe COVID-19 practices. Checklists and tracking programs will have a greater role in enforcing new standards and guidelines for operations. This assists companies in demonstrating transparent and safe health practices to internal personnel, clients, visitors and the general public.
  • Review and analysis of trends and activities; and
      • Evaluating and analysing the data accumulated through biometric testing, assessments and daily reporting provides the opportunity to measure your organisational response to COVID-19 and improve practices. Technology and software are critical to quickly and effectively sorting, flagging and analysing collected data for trends and activities. Implementing and communicating data management and privacy policies to your workforce is particularly important here. For more information, please see our article on ‘Returning Your People to Work During COVID-19’.
  • Management of outcomes while holding stakeholders accountable.
      • In this globalised and digitalised world, data and technology allow workforces to connect with timely and proactive efficiency. Companies have the capabilities to not only monitor results and hold stakeholders responsible, but to make and communicate data-driven and evidence-based decisions.
  1. Occupational Health and Safety, How Technology & Data are Being Used to Help Companies Return to Work:
  2. Safe Work Australia, COVID-19 Information for Workplaces:
  3. WorkCover Queensland, Coronavirus (COVID-19) Workplace Risk Management: